1.   And researchers could not draw blood from the elusive animals without stunning them first with a tranquilizer gun, which was impractical.

2.   A chimp named Darrell was allowed to see a lab worker hiding behind a barrier with a tranquilizer gun.

3.   But watching agents equipping themselves, driving, peering and making uncontested arrests is like being shot with a tranquilizer gun.

4.   Game and Fish officers William Brandel and Brian Anthony crept up on the crouching cat, tranquilizer guns at ready.

5.   In Ottawa, prowling bears have set off scrambles of officials wielding nets, nooses on long poles and tranquilizer guns.

6.   Jahns, driving a pickup truck and armed with a tranquilizer dart gun, never spotted his quarry.

7.   No tranquilizer gun.

8.   The Game and Fish men readied their tranquilizer guns, which were loaded with Telazol.

9.   There was the time he said his ex-wife carried a tranquilizer gun when she was around him.

10.   They use new weapons called tranquilizer guns to apprehend suspects.

n. + gun >>共 239
artillery 11.00%
toy 10.90%
radar 7.86%
pellet 4.32%
hand 4.32%
glue 3.73%
army 2.75%
laser 2.55%
tranquilizer 2.46%
heat 1.77%
tranquilizer + n. >>共 5
gun 41.67%
darts 38.33%
dart 15.00%
diazepam 3.33%
prescrip 1.67%
每页显示:    共 25