11.   Now they have to work out the question of whether they can work together in a timely way.

12.   One timely way is to hedge bonds, said Michael Schwartz, options strategist at Oppenheimer.

13.   Senate ethics rules do allow some gifts from longstanding friends if the gifts are reported in a timely way.

14.   Several board members have expressed concern about his failure to file his tax returns in a timely way for eight consecutive years.

15.   Some scientists focused on the possibility that African-American men have poorer health care and thus might not have their prostate cancers detected in a timely way.

16.   That streamlines the process and helps make sure your claims are covered and paid in a timely way.

17.   That Shipman got it right in such a timely way was a cause for crowing at a network like NBC, where trumps are measured in microseconds.

18.   The board recommended deploying variable-message signs far in advance of work zones, with automatic systems that would warn of backups in a timely way.

19.   The closed door meeting in the Roosevelt Room followed complaints by government officials that information was not being shared in a timely way.

20.   These referrals were not acted upon in a timely way and might never have surfaced had not investigators gone public with their frustrations.

a. + way >>共 634
only 8.78%
same 8.61%
long 7.68%
best 7.12%
different 4.15%
new 4.09%
the 1.98%
better 1.69%
wrong 1.58%
good 1.45%
timely 0.07%
timely + n. >>共 353
manner 8.92%
fashion 8.22%
payment 3.85%
information 3.35%
way 2.84%
hit 2.64%
basis 2.23%
reminder 1.83%
delivery 1.52%
action 1.32%
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