11.   It is true that civil litigation sometimes serves a larger social good.

12.   Lewis Katz stepped into the world of professional sports last fall, making idealistic proclamations of social good and community uplift.

13.   Racial integration is unquestionably a social good.

14.   The different points of view reflect the variety of opinions on desegregation, once promulgated by the courts as a social good and now broadly debated.

15.   The gay community in America is not a civic group or public-advocacy organization which works to promote the general social good.

16.   They will talk about science and its obligations to assure that whatever fruits come of its labors are used for social good and not for another round of eugenics.

17.   What social good does it serve, for example, to heighten Caucasian awareness if in doing so you run the risk of swelling Caucasian pride?

18.   While that may happen in an ideal world, individual investors are still more concerned with returns than social good.

19.   But supporters of the pill say its approval would serve an even greater social good.

20.   So a change in the law last year stipulates that confiscated properties must be put to some social good or be used by the state.

a. + good >>共 242
public 10.58%
common 10.21%
pretty 9.66%
greater 9.47%
very 7.15%
little 3.44%
real 2.41%
them 2.32%
social 1.95%
long-term 1.02%
social + n. >>共 797
issue 4.47%
program 4.21%
welfare 3.22%
unrest 2.97%
problem 2.90%
life 2.21%
justice 1.99%
policy 1.93%
change 1.83%
conservative 1.47%
good 0.12%
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