1.   And since the mouse is mostly mechanical, all sorts of things happen to it during the course of its life ... few of them good.

2.   Any number of things, speculates consultant Kathy Boas, and none of them good.

3.   But plaintiffs operating free Web sites said that would do them little good, because their sites were often supported by advertisers attracted to high-traffic pages.

4.   But that does them little good in the longer term.

5.   He will try out some out-of-work offensive linemen on Tuesday, but are any of them good enough to start?

6.   I called them good right off the bat.

7.   I was on them pretty good after that.

8.   In fact it will do both you and them good if you come clean about what you really think.

9.   In practice, the legislation will have four effects, none of them good.

10.   It would do them little good.

a. + good >>共 242
public 10.58%
common 10.21%
pretty 9.66%
greater 9.47%
very 7.15%
little 3.44%
real 2.41%
them 2.32%
social 1.95%
long-term 1.02%
them + n. >>共 859
elderly 1.89%
job 1.53%
time 1.33%
good 1.28%
day 1.17%
more 1.12%
child 1.12%
young 1.07%
most 1.02%
woman 0.92%
每页显示:    共 25