11.   She had significant impairment in functioning and displayed many signs of the illness, including hallucinations, delusions, incoherence and isolation, he said.

a. + impairment >>共 64
mental 13.42%
hearing 10.82%
cognitive 10.82%
visual 10.82%
physical 5.19%
significant 4.76%
mild 3.90%
permanent 3.03%
severe 3.03%
motor 2.16%
significant + n. >>共 920
change 4.55%
difference 3.29%
number 3.16%
amount 2.20%
progress 2.17%
role 2.12%
increase 1.88%
impact 1.79%
improvement 1.41%
gain 1.36%
impairment 0.07%
每页显示:    共 11