1.   Any permanent impairment of tangible assets identified is written off.

2.   Moreover, the cumulative impact of temporary disablements is considerably smaller than that of permanent impairments.

3.   But there was no word Tuesday on whether he would suffer permanent impairment.

4.   Mercury is toxic to the human nervous system, causing permanent impairment of speech, hearing, movement and vision, even when exposures occur at low doses.

5.   She underwent months of physical therapy to learn to walk again and has a permanent impairment that requires her to use a cane.

6.   Lam Lai-hing, who suffered a permanent impairment to his right leg, criticised the judge for failing to hold a thorough hearing in the case.

7.   Sadly, not a few of the survivors will end up at least with very serious permanent impairments to their physical abilities.

a. + impairment >>共 64
mental 13.42%
hearing 10.82%
cognitive 10.82%
visual 10.82%
physical 5.19%
significant 4.76%
mild 3.90%
permanent 3.03%
severe 3.03%
motor 2.16%
permanent + n. >>共 1273
member 11.37%
peace 4.21%
resident 3.39%
seat 2.65%
residency 2.35%
home 2.18%
damage 1.98%
replacement 1.96%
trade 1.79%
collection 1.61%
impairment 0.08%
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