11.   It is as much a part of the celebration ritual as the Gatorade shower for the head coach.

12.   Just before Theron was born, I hosted a baby shower for his mother.

13.   Sinatra and I have been singing it together in the shower for years.

14.   Showers for two are vital for working couples eager to get out the door in the morning.

15.   Such as that shower scene, which kept some sensitive people out of their showers for years afterward.

16.   The bathroom is a poorer choice, as it can be too humid after a bath or shower for fixing hair or applying makeup.

17.   The bathhouse offers two showers for each sex.

18.   The end of the road does not always come with a tickertape parade and a champagne shower for a professional athlete.

19.   The infamous stabbing in the shower is so terrifying that Leigh was rumored to avoid showers for years.

20.   The National Weather Service predicted light showers for today and Wednesday, but said the moisture should not cause more flooding.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
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call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
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shower 0%
shower + p. >>共 52
in 26.34%
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to 9.45%
from 6.97%
with 4.43%
near 4.19%
on 3.01%
along 3.01%
for 2.54%
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