11.   Shops will stay open during two weekends before and during the summit.

12.   Some shops stayed open until midnight to accommodate the throngs, and police were called to help keep order.

13.   Others fired celebratory rounds in the air, and shops stayed open all night.

n. + stay >>共 1988
people 3.46%
team 2.11%
investor 1.99%
family 1.55%
player 1.49%
troop 1.36%
child 1.28%
price 1.14%
man 1.14%
worker 1.09%
shop 0.15%
shop + v. >>共 364
be 23.37%
sell 7.32%
have 5.07%
remain 4.44%
close 4.18%
open 3.55%
offer 3.14%
reopen 1.83%
do 1.62%
carry 1.20%
stay 0.68%
每页显示:    共 13