people stay 19.82   Most people stayed away.
  team stay 12.11   The team is staying mum.
  investor stay 11.39   A. The average investor should probably stay away.
  family stay 8.89   The family stayed close.
  player stay 8.56   Some players stayed.
  troop stay 7.77   But the troops stayed put.
  child stay 7.31   Children stay free.
  man stay 6.52   The men stayed.
  price stay 6.52   Corn prices stayed flat.
  worker stay 6.25   The workers stayed.
  woman stay 5.99   The women stay in.
  resident stay 5.60   Many residents stayed indoors.
  most stay 4.61   Most stay close to home.
  company stay 4.54   The other companies stayed neutral.
  dollar stay 4.34   The dollar must stay weak.
  fan stay 4.34   And the fans stayed.
  government stay 4.28   Government should stay out of it.
  rate stay 4.28   Rates are staying low.
  force stay 3.95   Will the NATO peacekeeping forces stay?
  inflation stay 3.82   Inflation will stay low.
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