11.   He vowed he would continue pushing for his federalist dream, saying it was the only system of government that would finally rectify the imbalances of apartheid.

v. + imbalance >>共 80
correct 24.77%
redress 8.72%
cause 5.05%
rectify 5.05%
create 3.67%
address 3.21%
reduce 2.75%
prevent 1.83%
reflect 1.83%
right 1.83%
rectify + n. >>共 69
situation 24.56%
problem 22.78%
mistake 6.76%
error 4.63%
imbalance 3.91%
matter 2.49%
oversight 2.49%
injustice 1.78%
damage 1.42%
shortcoming 1.42%
每页显示:    共 11