correct imbalance 3.55   They both correct an imbalance.
  redress imbalance 1.25   In a small way, Butler is trying to redress the imbalance.
  cause imbalance 0.72   But the ashes cause soil imbalance if overused.
  rectify imbalance 0.72   Then, midway, the movie tries to rectify that imbalance by focusing back on Cinque.
  create imbalance 0.53   The new alignment would create another imbalance.
  address imbalance 0.46   Barring an improvement in voter taste, what can be done to address this imbalance?
  reduce imbalance 0.39   His government is committed to reducing the imbalance of the distribution of land.
  prevent imbalance 0.26   But has the Fed failed to prevent the imbalances created by the recent boom from getting out of hand?
  reflect imbalance 0.26   The sample in the Dartmouth-AP poll reflects that imbalance.
  right imbalance 0.26   In theory, the loya jirga could right this imbalance.
  see imbalance 0.26   Japan also wants to see an imbalance in Internet connection fees rectified.
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