11.   Reactions ranged from doors slammed in their faces to instant, long-lasting friendships.

12.   Reactions among scientists range from amusement to indifference, most saying that it is unimportant whose genome was sequenced.

13.   Reactions to breast-feeding range from admiration and curiosity to disgust and full-fledged heckling.

14.   Republican reaction ranged from skepticism to ridicule.

15.   Reactions ranged from puzzlement to bitterness, and pastors have been fielding questions and calming the waters in sermons.

16.   That reaction can range from asthma to sinusitis, hives, swelling around the eyes, and nasal stuffiness.

17.   The initial reaction ranged from negative to skeptical.

18.   The reaction of environmentalists ranged from disbelief to fury.

19.   The reaction ranged from approval and pleasure at the novelty of strolling on a traffic-less Pennsylvania Avenue to questions about its effectiveness and concerns about personal security.

20.   The reaction ranges from campus to campus, though there is a striking paucity of expressions of self-sacrifice on all of them.

n. + range >>共 879
topic 1.71%
reaction 1.50%
color 1.16%
charge 1.16%
sentence 1.11%
estimate 1.03%
injury 1.03%
problem 0.99%
symptom 0.99%
wide 0.94%
reaction + v. >>共 227
be 66.21%
come 2.72%
range 1.59%
seem 1.50%
occur 1.50%
reflect 0.91%
produce 0.82%
vary 0.77%
have 0.73%
follow 0.73%
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