11.   They also say the fetus usually dies from anesthesia administered to the mother before the procedure begins.

12.   This procedure cannot begin, an official added, until the defendant is represented by a lawyer.

13.   Waiting for the hospice admission procedure to begin, Ruthie would catch her consulting her empty wrist.

14.   An Amsterdam police spokesman said Rodriguez would appear before a district judge before extradition procedures begin.

15.   Both procedures began in October.

16.   INA said the release procedure began immediately after the decree was announced and that Barloon and Daliberti were expected to leave Baghdad on Monday morning with Richardson.

17.   INA said the release procedure began immediately after the decree was announced and that Barloon and Daliberti were expected to leave Baghdad Monday morning with Richardson.

18.   Repatriation procedures would begin Monday following an autopsy, Efe said.

19.   The wind-up procedures began on Monday.

20.   A Berlin judicial spokesman confirmed Saturday that procedures had begun against more former East German officials, but would give no details.

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