1.   A ministerial meeting in Venice agreed to this and in June work began to draft the treaties.

2.   But once her academic work began, Margaret felt the faith of her childhood unfolding in all its richness.

3.   Having isolated the most pressing area of weakness, the real work can begin.

4.   In July a series of yellow signs appeared in central London, warning that potentially disruptive pre-construction work would shortly begin.

5.   In the second half the work began to change dramatically.

6.   Major restoration work will begin in May.

7.   Nearly three years after work had begun, the dam was still a figment of the imagination.

n. + begin >>共 1326
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season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
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work + v. >>共 784
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cut_out 3.47%
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