11.   But tomorrow any one of us could be dead.

12.   Cocooned in happiness, Leslie seemed to take it in his stride, his attitude one of cheerful impatience.

13.   During the subsequent week, she had ridden three winners, only one of which was for Bill Templeman.

14.   Each and every one of us saw him take the money and are prepared to say so in court.

15.   Each one of perhaps a group of four should prepare a brief summary of an article of general interest.

16.   Each one of us, however old or however young, is a valuable member of society.

17.   Every one of the quintet saw the opposition party gain strength during his final period in office.

18.   Every one of them had one of those horrid little paper cups that hold wet coleslaw.

19.   Every one of them insists our public policies must do a better job of supporting and accommodating and encouraging the family.

20.   Every one of them sounded as though it had been written by the worst kind of shit.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
one 0.10%
one + p. >>共 88
of 20.16%
in 19.10%
for 11.90%
with 9.56%
on 6.06%
at 4.40%
from 3.73%
to 3.37%
about 1.88%
by 1.83%
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