11.   Leaks can often occur when the duct tape around the seams deteriorates from the heat, humidity and air pressure.

12.   Leaks can also occur under the sink in the drain pipes.

13.   Leaks occur if the flashing is improperly installed or if it warps and separates from the roof surface.

14.   Most leaks occur around the perimeter of the window.

15.   Most leaks occur at the joints between duct sections.

16.   Questions also persist on how well the area around Indian Point could be evacuated if a major leak occurred.

17.   Should radiation leaks occur, currents could spread the radioactivity over a large portion of the Barents Sea.

18.   Tests conducted over the weekend gave no hint of why the leak occurred, or whether the crack was part of a larger problem, the officials said.

19.   The leak occurs only when the bathtub is emptied after someone takes a bath.

20.   The next day, a second leak occurred while workers tried to tighten a leaking fitting.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
leak 0.38%
leak + v. >>共 146
be 30.39%
occur 9.80%
cause 7.03%
come 4.08%
pose 3.10%
begin 1.80%
force 1.63%
develop 1.47%
trigger 1.47%
continue 1.31%
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