11.   It would also have opened the way for a graceful exit from Lebanon, since no Lebanese government can make peace with Israel until Syria does so first.

12.   Many democrats are convinced that Hyde is trying to find a graceful exit.

13.   Now that the people have spoken, pragmatism might dictate that the committee find a graceful exit from its inquiry.

14.   Ovitz is clearly looking for as graceful an exit as possible or a partner to shore up the business.

15.   Seinfeld said he would prefer to make a graceful exit.

16.   Senators looking for a graceful exit to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal may want to avoid suggesting everyone simply kiss and make up.

17.   So there is no responsible option for him except a graceful exit, in his own time, on his own terms, in his own way.

18.   The most graceful exit for Mobutu would be to go to France for medical treatment, Western diplomats say.

19.   The New York Knicks cannot seem to make a graceful exit, often tripping over the threshold as they leave a building.

20.   This meeting will also provide an appropriate moment for Samaranch, long a coddler of the ethically impaired, to make a graceful exit.

a. + exit >>共 308
early 14.95%
emergency 14.05%
quick 6.37%
graceful 2.94%
nearest 2.21%
new 2.04%
first 1.47%
only 1.47%
final 1.14%
round 1.14%
graceful + n. >>共 349
exit 6.13%
way 4.77%
movement 1.87%
arch 1.87%
arc 1.70%
curve 1.19%
motion 1.02%
aging 1.02%
performance 1.02%
line 1.02%
每页显示:    共 36