11.   Fold tortillas over to enclose the filling and brush the tops with butter.

12.   Mound corn in center and garnish with tomato halves and folded tortillas.

v. + tortilla >>共 78
make 6.76%
roll 6.31%
place 5.86%
dip 5.41%
fold 5.41%
cook 4.05%
fry 3.15%
soften 3.15%
use 3.15%
buy 2.70%
fold + n. >>共 296
arm 11.18%
hand 8.44%
tent 3.18%
paper 2.74%
napkin 1.97%
edge 1.97%
laundry 1.75%
clothes 1.75%
chair 1.75%
dough 1.75%
tortilla 1.32%
每页显示:    共 12