11.   The flag controversy drew national attention as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People called for a tourism boycott of the state.

12.   She had been clearly affected by the flag controversy, but her family support system had sustained her.

n. + controversy >>共 295
quarterback 20.72%
drug 4.70%
election 4.14%
campaign 2.49%
flag 1.66%
ethic 1.66%
abortion 1.52%
recount 1.24%
year 1.24%
court 1.10%
flag + n. >>共 254
carrier 15.97%
desecration 5.39%
issue 4.39%
pole 3.89%
flying 3.59%
supporter 2.89%
bearer 2.40%
football 2.30%
pin 2.00%
ceremony 1.90%
controversy 1.20%
每页显示:    共 12