1.   As debate on the flag began Tuesday, a handful of flag supporters gathered outside on the Statehouse lawn and waved their deep red Rebel flags.

2.   But flag supporters have blocked the idea, saying the spot is not sufficiently prominent.

3.   But in his speech Clinton urged such flag supporters to give the rest of the world a lesson in tolerance.

4.   But obviously his advisers put an end to straight talk in South Carolina, after it caused problems with flag supporters.

5.   Confederate flag supporters wage war in S.C.

6.   Flag supporters say the flag deserves a place of honor.

7.   Flag supporters see it as a mark of battlefield heroism and Southern heritage.

8.   Flag supporters also plan a rally in Columbia on Thursday.

9.   Flag supporters argue that the effects of the boycott are grossly overstated.

10.   Flag supporters view the South Carolina fight as a pivotal stand against efforts to abolish symbols of the Confederacy.

n. + supporter >>共 363
opposition 25.11%
government 8.29%
right 3.97%
rebel 3.48%
abortion 3.24%
independence 3.04%
abortion-rights 2.35%
core 1.91%
flag 1.42%
gore 1.37%
flag + n. >>共 254
carrier 15.97%
desecration 5.39%
issue 4.39%
pole 3.89%
flying 3.59%
supporter 2.89%
bearer 2.40%
football 2.30%
pin 2.00%
ceremony 1.90%
每页显示:    共 29