11.   Winter is the time for enjoying the beauty of bark and form, and experiencing the pleasure of a single witch hazel blooming in February.

12.   With postpartum depression, a woman may experience obsessive worries about the baby, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, low energy and an inability to experience pleasure.

13.   But Gallardo did not experience similar pleasure.

v. + pleasure >>共 192
take 24.36%
have 8.90%
give 6.67%
bring 4.22%
express 4.22%
get 3.75%
derive 3.40%
find 2.58%
enjoy 2.34%
experience 1.52%
experience + n. >>共 1136
problem 7.00%
pain 4.31%
difficulty 3.26%
growth 2.51%
loss 1.57%
symptom 1.48%
delay 1.44%
discomfort 1.25%
trouble 1.14%
feeling 1.05%
pleasure 0.30%
每页显示:    共 13