1.   But this changed in recent decades as more Americans experienced the pleasure of eating seasonal, farm-raised vegetables.

2.   Equally important, sleep deprivation diminishes our ability to experience pleasure.

3.   Many patients respond to brief cognitive therapy, which helps them to recognize and appreciate sources of hope and to experience pleasure.

4.   Others think women experience sexual pleasure from prostitution.

5.   Schizophrenia is best known by its active symptoms, like paranoid delusions, but it also has passive ones, like an inability to experience pleasure.

6.   Snoring and sleep deprivation can actually strain our relationships and sex lives by affecting our moods and ability to experience pleasure.

7.   The drug is especially seductive because it heightens the response of the same neurons that allow us to experience sensual pleasure.

8.   The form of depression is known as anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure.

9.   They experience pleasure in so doing.

10.   Tucker told police that she experienced sexual pleasure every time she drove the ax into her victims.

v. + pleasure >>共 192
take 24.36%
have 8.90%
give 6.67%
bring 4.22%
express 4.22%
get 3.75%
derive 3.40%
find 2.58%
enjoy 2.34%
experience 1.52%
experience + n. >>共 1136
problem 7.00%
pain 4.31%
difficulty 3.26%
growth 2.51%
loss 1.57%
symptom 1.48%
delay 1.44%
discomfort 1.25%
trouble 1.14%
feeling 1.05%
pleasure 0.30%
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