11.   The group also handles private equity finance and general, U.S.-related securities work as well as wealth management and intellectual property matters.

12.   The surge in the value of equity finance reflected an explosion in convertible bond issues at home and overseas.

n. + finance >>共 134
campaign 49.58%
government 8.20%
project 3.57%
trade 3.57%
school 3.21%
consumer 2.50%
city 2.50%
company 1.90%
equity 1.43%
business 0.95%
equity + n. >>共 293
market 20.38%
stake 7.71%
fund 7.41%
loan 5.25%
investment 5.16%
investor 3.37%
business 2.79%
strategist 2.58%
analyst 2.34%
price 1.76%
finance 0.36%
每页显示:    共 12