1.   Leaders in both parties are calling for changes in campaign finance laws.

2.   Some of the money was donated by corporations, which have been barred for a century from campaign finance.

3.   The growing scandal over campaign finance has yet to touch Clinton in the eyes of voters, the survey suggests.

4.   Campaign finance is related to broader aspects of the American political system.

5.   Also before the high court is the issue of campaign finance, which has dogged Texas Gov. George W. Bush, a Republican presidential candidate.

6.   And both promise to fight the entrenched power of lobbyists through sweeping changes in campaign finance.

7.   An apology could wipe away all the scandals but campaign finance.

8.   An independent commission on campaign finance would not be the first such panel to address an issue that makes Congress nervous.

9.   And he said that he would make campaign finance reform a priority as president, asserting that Bradley was a Johnny-come-lately to the issue.

10.   And Bush favors the current system of campaign finance, which puts inordinate power in the hands of polluters.

n. + finance >>共 134
campaign 49.58%
government 8.20%
project 3.57%
trade 3.57%
school 3.21%
consumer 2.50%
city 2.50%
company 1.90%
equity 1.43%
business 0.95%
campaign + n. >>共 537
reform 6.62%
trail 6.30%
contribution 5.55%
manager 2.75%
law 2.61%
finance 2.53%
issue 2.44%
official 2.25%
promise 1.97%
aide 1.85%
每页显示:    共 415