11.   The site will offer entertainment listings, restaurant reviews and numerous city resources, such as maps, and guides to dealing with bureaucracy and daily life.

12.   The inaugural edition covers a wide range of subjects, including Greek politics, foreign relations, book reviews, stock listings, entertainment listings and local news.

n. + listing >>共 155
telephone 15.55%
job 10.24%
phone 6.69%
movie 3.54%
television 3.54%
approval 2.95%
share 2.56%
entertainment 2.36%
newspaper 2.36%
company 1.77%
entertainment + n. >>共 523
industry 15.13%
company 7.12%
business 4.92%
center 3.83%
value 3.54%
executive 2.45%
system 1.98%
program 1.66%
world 1.61%
giant 1.56%
listing 0.30%
每页显示:    共 12