11.   But the secretary of state, while not denying the existence of differences of opinion, denied any rift within the administration.

12.   Earlier Sunday, Erbakan attempted to calm fears of a coup, denying any rift between political leaders and the military.

v. + rift >>共 110
heal 14.73%
cause 14.36%
create 9.64%
mend 5.45%
widen 5.45%
deepen 3.45%
expose 2.91%
deny 2.18%
repair 2.18%
open 2.18%
deny + n. >>共 402
charge 15.16%
report 12.33%
allegation 10.78%
involvement 7.92%
wrongdoing 7.76%
accusation 5.30%
claim 4.12%
request 1.82%
knowledge 1.79%
responsibility 1.77%
rift 0.04%
每页显示:    共 12