1.   That news opened a rift that the two companies are now trying to bridge.

2.   The defiance opened a rift with his grandfather that may have been aggravated by his decision not to return to Savannah to practice law.

3.   The same report on jobs opened a rift in the stock market.

4.   Thomas rebelled against Anderson as a young man, opening a rift between grandfather and grandson.

5.   But several sensitive issues have opened rifts between the neighbors.

6.   Media reported the additional information centered primarily on anonymous accounts and had opened a rift between committee members from the ruling center-left coalition and the opposition.

7.   Meanwhile, fighting between Roman Catholic Croats and Orthodox Serbs in the former Yugoslavia has opened rifts at a time the patriarch is calling for harmony.

8.   The debate over Sunday opening had opened rifts in the Economics Ministry, which is separate from the Finance Ministry.

9.   The incident opens a rift between the state and the church, whose fortunes have otherwise been entwined ever since the Soviet collapse.

10.   Those remarks have opened a rift between the Gore and Davis camps.

v. + rift >>共 110
heal 14.73%
cause 14.36%
create 9.64%
mend 5.45%
widen 5.45%
deepen 3.45%
expose 2.91%
deny 2.18%
repair 2.18%
open 2.18%
open + n. >>共 626
fire 19.87%
door 10.24%
market 2.73%
way 2.42%
office 2.30%
investigation 2.16%
talk 2.14%
possibility 2.05%
eye 1.78%
window 1.18%
rift 0.04%
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