11.   Because the block grant funds would be limited, some who qualify for benefits under current rules could be cut off if demand exceeds the available money.

12.   Airplanes must be ordered years in advance, and when demand exceeds capacity, the airlines can charge top dollar and many people have to fit into middle seats.

13.   Brokers said Monday they have been warning their clients that they will not be able to get all the shares they want because demand exceeds supply.

14.   But demand for cranberries exceeded supply that year, and Ocean Spray could not deliver.

15.   But even with those purchases, utilities were forced to cut power in some places when the demand exceeded the supply.

16.   But until at least one nuclear unit is back, the entire New England utility industry worries about brownouts or blackouts next summer if consumer demand exceeds supplies.

17.   Demand is still exceeding supply, he said.

18.   Demand by far exceeds the supply of organs, creating controversy over which patients ultimately get the surgery they need to stay alive.

19.   Demand exceeds available places in the grant-funded course, but plans are under way to possibly expand the classes.

20.   Demand exceeds supply.

n. + exceed >>共 474
demand 4.60%
supply 3.07%
cost 2.99%
result 2.70%
price 2.55%
earnings 2.48%
sale 2.34%
amount 2.19%
company 1.97%
number 1.97%
demand + v. >>共 523
be 35.57%
remain 3.69%
grow 2.98%
continue 2.50%
rise 2.34%
increase 2.01%
come 1.94%
fall 1.88%
include 1.81%
pick_up 1.50%
exceed 1.15%
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