demand be 128.18   This demand is not unreasonable.
  demand remain 13.30   Demand remains strong.
  demand grow 10.73   Demand will grow.
  demand continue 9.02   But the demands continue.
  demand rise 8.43   Consumer demand also is rising.
  demand increase 7.24   Loan demand increased.
  demand come 6.98   The demand came from the soul, not the head.
  demand fall 6.78   Consumer demand is falling.
  demand include 6.52   The demands include entire landscapes.
  demand pick_up 5.40   Already, world demand has picked up.
  demand outstrip 5.13   Demand can outstrip supply.
  demand slow 5.00   Why is demand slowing?
  demand exceed 4.15   Demand exceeds supply.
  demand have 3.36   Demand has not.
  demand help 2.90   Lackluster demand is helping inventories swell.
  demand lead 2.50   Poor demand led to a sharp drop in prices.
  demand soar 2.44   Meanwhile, demand is soaring.
  demand weaken 2.30   Consumer loan demand weakened.
  demand drop 2.11   But demand has dropped.
  demand keep 2.11   And demand keeps rising.
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