11.   The Japanese decision was the latest sign that sanctions imposed by many countries were gradually being eased.

12.   The decision to resumetalks was one of several indications of improving relations during July.

13.   The decision was subject to ratification by the Senate before any legal proceedings could begin.

14.   Its decisions would be mandatory, and its responsibilities would concern the direction of domestic and foreign policy.

15.   There was no decision on compensation for losses incurred by businesses.

16.   The ANC president said that the decision was the result of tensions arising from differences on a number of issues.

17.   The government claimed that the decision was a procedural one and that holding local elections in November would conflict with the elections for the DCC.

18.   According to official sources the decision was based on reduced tension in southern Africa and was unrelated to the incident in Moscow.

19.   Bottom-up decisions are not common in this context.

20.   While it is conceded that this decision is correct, it nevertheless leaves the employee with a difficult evidential task.

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issue 0.48%
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decision + v. >>共 470
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