11.   But he said the goods his country produces are frequently those that developed countries, and increasingly even newly developed countries in Asia, can no longer produce cheaply.

12.   But its deterioration mainly reflects the prosperity of American companies and consumers, enabling them to purchase more of what other countries produce.

13.   Countries produce as much as they can before prices fall even further, which accelerates the drop.

14.   Few countries have produced more gifted and aggressive computer and electronics experts and engineers.

15.   For several decades, plants in California and in several other countries have been producing some of the cheapest electricity available.

16.   If these countries can produce a good treaty this year, their efforts would at least put useful pressure on the holdouts.

17.   In his remarks Saturday, Clinton acknowledged that industrialized countries produce most greenhouse gases.

18.   Industry observers agree that, although many countries produce local brands that have caught on well with consumers, the Coca-Cola Co. would be hard to beat.

19.   Internationally, the Bush administration has resisted allowing other countries to produce cheaper generic AIDS drugs, citing patent laws.

20.   Its major exports are commodities which other Southeast Asian countries also produce, and it competes with those countries for foreign investment.

n. + produce >>共 2049
company 4.55%
plant 3.06%
talk 1.24%
factory 1.22%
system 1.08%
meeting 1.04%
body 0.97%
country 0.93%
cell 0.74%
manufacturer 0.64%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
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