11.   He lives in constant fear of assassination.

12.   Moreover, millions of people live in constant fear of being attacked in the streets and in their homes!

13.   And people live in constant fear that a major quake will shake this city again.

14.   Bejtullahu, an ethnic Albanian, expressed a constant fear of being killed or expelled from her home by Serbs.

15.   A constant fear of contamination tortured him.

16.   But I live in constant fear of a coonskin-cap sighting, which, of course, would send our astronaut plans to the moon.

17.   But many medical professionals say they live in constant fear of such a mistake -- and some say the risk may be increasing.

18.   But she was born in World War II, and she said that her earliest memories included the constant fear that Germany would invade.

19.   Do we live in constant fear?

20.   Even worse is the constant fear of violence that Catholics and Protestants face every day.

a. + fear >>共 774
worst 4.81%
public 3.68%
widespread 3.38%
growing 3.19%
biggest 2.46%
new 2.27%
constant 2.14%
lingering 1.70%
greatest 1.65%
same 1.49%
constant + n. >>共 1171
pressure 3.14%
threat 2.79%
reminder 2.30%
stream 2.08%
companion 2.08%
contact 2.00%
presence 1.57%
fear 1.55%
attention 1.49%
pain 1.43%
每页显示:    共 79