11.   But the commission investigated the transaction anyway.

12.   David M. Grandeau, executive director of the lobbying commission, refused to say whether the commission was investigating a Trump link to the anti-casino ads.

13.   For instance, a congressional commission is investigating allegations President Ernesto Samper accepted campaign contributions from the Cali drug cartel.

14.   His report in August prompted the national commission to investigate and to issue a press release in September.

15.   In an earlier case, when the commission investigated Scandinavian timber companies concerning bleached sulphate wood pulp, the commission was overruled by the European Court of Justice.

16.   Last week, Sanchez announced that the commission was investigating the selling practices of Coca-Cola in Mexico.

17.   Levitt said Wednesday that the commission was investigating possible insider trading among participants in the market for high-yield corporate bonds.

18.   Plofsky would not say whether the ethics commission will investigate issuing a formal ethics complaint against Burnham.

19.   Symkowick declined to say whether the commission will investigate.

20.   The alcohol issue is related to proper supervision at the bonfire site, which is one of the areas the bonfire commission is investigating.

n. + investigate >>共 333
police 29.92%
authority 11.77%
official 8.92%
prosecutor 5.44%
government 3.92%
commission 3.35%
agency 2.37%
committee 1.97%
department 1.45%
detective 1.32%
commission + v. >>共 810
say 10.82%
be 7.94%
have 4.60%
recommend 2.60%
find 2.14%
investigate 2.02%
decide 1.70%
meet 1.33%
make 1.24%
approve 1.15%
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