11.   Examples he cited are drugs that cause abortion or prevent conception, in vitro fertilization, the use of embryonic stem cells in transplants, and cloning projects.

12.   In the United States, Dr. Richard Seed says he will start a human cloning project in Mexico if the U.S. government prohibits his work.

13.   It called for cultural, social and legislative efforts to stop any human cloning project.

14.   Seed says he needs to raise a lot more money to start his cloning project.

15.   The office of his partner in the cloning project, Dr. Panayiotis Zavos at the Andrology Institute of America in Lexington, Kentucky, also declined to comment.

16.   The aim of the cloning project, conducted using stem cell cloning technology, was to sustain the genetic resources of the thoroughbred.

a. + project >>共 754
new 5.60%
joint 3.23%
pilot 3.16%
major 2.99%
special 1.82%
similar 1.69%
building 1.65%
pet 1.64%
next 1.37%
specific 1.36%
cloning 0.15%
cloning + n. >>共 129
research 9.85%
experiment 9.11%
human 8.74%
technique 5.95%
technology 5.20%
process 4.09%
expert 2.97%
project 2.97%
ban 2.79%
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