11.   Not even a vagrant breeze stirred the late-clinging oak leaves.

12.   Steady breezes stir the atmosphere preventing cool air from settling near the ground.

13.   Through the paneless windows, open on both sides of the rooms, warm breezes barely stir the midday heat.

14.   When a little breeze stirred the foliage to which it was anchored, the whole splendid edifice trembled and shone like a silver net shaken.

n. + stir >>共 464
case 4.16%
breeze 1.76%
issue 1.51%
wind 1.51%
crowd 1.39%
report 1.26%
film 1.13%
proposal 1.13%
move 1.01%
creature 1.01%
breeze + v. >>共 175
blow 9.19%
be 9.03%
keep 5.00%
bring 4.19%
promote 3.39%
carry 2.74%
cause 2.26%
stir 2.26%
waft 2.26%
pick_up 2.10%
每页显示:    共 14