11.   The report compares average incomes across different European countries.

12.   Those who sit on the Treasury Bench make claims about average net income increases.

13.   We have to demand limitations on patents on vital products in countries where average incomes are below certain levels.

14.   The demographic information shows that the population increased but the average income went down.

15.   Average per capita income in the TRNC was estimated at one-third of that in the rest of the island.

16.   Cash benefits also rose faster than inflation, growing in line with average incomes.

17.   In this case, of course, the average permanent income would be just equal to the average measured income.

18.   Americans have been undergoing this painful process for more than a decade, during which average income for most middle-class families has shrunk.

19.   And among black men who work, the average income is about three-quarters of that of white male workers.

20.   And average income and education level are higher, too.

a. + income >>共 633
fixed 5.26%
net 5.01%
disposable 4.33%
personal 3.81%
higher 3.75%
low 3.48%
family 3.25%
lower 3.03%
taxable 2.71%
household 2.33%
average 1.60%
average + n. >>共 1196
person 3.89%
price 3.02%
citizen 2.68%
cost 1.88%
estimate 1.87%
wage 1.80%
income 1.67%
salary 1.62%
age 1.55%
earnings 1.48%
每页显示:    共 95