1.   Inadequate personal income and lack of assistance in this area are a major problem for many mentally disordered people and their relatives.

2.   Pensions have increased in real terms over the last twenty years, but not as fast as real personal disposable incomes.

3.   The profits from sole proprietorships and partnerships are taxed as personal incOme to the proprietOr or the partners.

4.   For some, entering the market as consumers had more to do with necessity than with a growth in personal income.

5.   The major Inland Revenue tax is personal income taxation whose yield is a quarter of total revenue raised.

6.   The effects of personal income taxation are usually viewed in relation to the aggregate supply of hours of market work and the associated welfare costs.

7.   Finally, it is worth considering the incidence of personal income taxation.

8.   Personal incomes are also under pressure.

9.   Also affected by the shutdown are the reports on initial unemployment claims, personal income and spending, durable goods orders and retail sales.

a. + income >>共 633
fixed 5.26%
net 5.01%
disposable 4.33%
personal 3.81%
higher 3.75%
low 3.48%
family 3.25%
lower 3.03%
taxable 2.71%
household 2.33%
personal + n. >>共 953
life 3.64%
information 2.53%
reason 1.99%
finance 1.63%
relationship 1.55%
experience 1.49%
injury 1.32%
problem 1.28%
attack 1.27%
trainer 1.18%
income 0.92%
每页显示:    共 228