11.   A local agreement covers work rules and workforce size at a plant, while the national contract sets wage and benefits companywide.

12.   Agreements cover supermarkets, too.

13.   Brittan said the EU had also concluded a similar accord with Canada that will cover about one-eighth the amount of trade that the U.S. agreement covers.

14.   But Yates said the agreement had covered a wide range of issues.

15.   Eventually, however, the lawmakers realized that the agreement covered only Yongbyon and did not preclude nuclear activity at other sites.

16.   For now, the agreement with Sumitomo covers low-technology replacement tires for cars and light trucks.

17.   In the auto industry, the national agreement covers pay, benefits and other program terms.

18.   One agreement covered Jewish claims against the former East Germany, which had refused to accept responsibility for Nazi atrocities.

19.   Similar agreements cover various other world markets.

20.   The agreement just covers the Atlanta area.

n. + cover >>共 1663
insurance 3.06%
agreement 2.80%
weather 2.01%
plan 1.66%
law 1.47%
air 1.45%
cloud 1.44%
talk 1.34%
condition 1.22%
patent 1.08%
agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
call 3.68%
come 3.41%
allow 3.17%
include 2.56%
provide 2.08%
have 2.07%
give 2.00%
require 1.97%
cover 1.82%
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