11.   A Canadian ban on the hunting of baby seals remains in effect, although commercial killing of adult seals is allowed.

12.   Adult seals have continued to be hunted, but in limited numbers.

13.   Adult seals continued to be hunted but in limited numbers, their skins less valuable than those of pups.

a. + seal >>共 244
presidential 7.50%
state 6.11%
official 4.89%
tight 2.79%
adult 2.27%
airtight 2.27%
royal 2.09%
dead 2.09%
watertight 1.92%
good 1.57%
adult + n. >>共 1009
life 8.19%
child 4.90%
education 2.59%
court 2.14%
male 2.01%
entertainment 1.56%
cell 1.54%
man 1.48%
son 1.43%
woman 1.35%
seal 0.28%
每页显示:    共 13