1.   Each will bear a state seal.

2.   Federal guidelines prohibit depictions of state seals or flags as well as religious imagery.

3.   For Smith, keeping the state seal has been something of a consolation prize.

4.   Fortunately, the U.S. Mint, mindful of the quality of most state seals, explicitly excludes them from coin designs.

5.   Gov. George W. Bush has no idea what he paid for his black eelskin boots, which feature a state seal, Texas flag and his initials.

6.   Heinemann proudly displays a crystal paperweight with the state seal, a favorite gift.

7.   If the state seal has ever been lost or banged up, I have yet to hear about it.

8.   In my defense, I am not grooming the child either to be governor or keeper of the official state seal of Florida.

9.   It once was a Central Valley resident and its image still appears on the top of the state seal.

10.   It would require Texas college athletic teams to wear the state seal on their uniforms.

a. + seal >>共 244
presidential 7.50%
state 6.11%
official 4.89%
tight 2.79%
adult 2.27%
airtight 2.27%
royal 2.09%
dead 2.09%
watertight 1.92%
good 1.57%
state + n. >>共 633
official 6.11%
law 4.95%
government 3.70%
television 3.31%
radio 2.82%
court 2.51%
police 2.07%
visit 1.93%
legislature 1.68%
agency 1.48%
seal 0.06%
每页显示:    共 35