11.   By showing him with Gingrich, the ad implies Lazio is too far to the right.

12.   His suit contended the ad falsely implied he was endorsing the car.

13.   SAPA said the ad implies that Mandela recommended use of the hotel chain to climb the success ladder.

14.   These ads imply that smoking cigarettes can somehow be equated with recreation in the wilderness.

n. + imply >>共 461
name 15.87%
title 1.92%
official 1.81%
statement 1.70%
ad 1.49%
report 1.28%
number 1.28%
story 1.06%
term 0.96%
word 0.96%
ad + v. >>共 511
be 20.80%
run 5.76%
show 5.28%
feature 4.58%
appear 4.07%
begin 2.32%
say 1.99%
have 1.85%
come 1.38%
make 1.35%
imply 0.47%
每页显示:    共 14