111.   The particularly intimate link between adverbal adjective and verb is shown by the fact that a case such as is far from exceptional.

112.   It was clearly related to the Lombard style of Northern Italy owing to the political links between the two countries under the Holy Roman Empire.

113.   Assumed links between different elements were made in the model.

114.   Hypertext systems, therefore, are defined by a network of links between key elements in the information.

115.   We have already seen how shrewd information publishers have devised new means of delivering products and services by creating novel links between different electronic media.

116.   It is the availability of the fibre optic network that helps MBS address the problem of setting up the interactive links between the service itself and its users.

117.   The link between the entity types COURSE and LECTURER and that between COURSE and SUBJECT represents a one-to-many relationship.

118.   In this approach, as with hierarchies but unlike the relational model, there are explicit links between related entity occurrences.

119.   Speed of access may also be worse, as the links between relations are set up at run time and not at data definition time.

120.   To provide guidance and support to enable branches and international groups to flourish and to provide a vital link between individual members at the centre.

n. + between >>共 678
talk 4.69%
relationship 3.77%
link 3.47%
tension 3.40%
meeting 3.26%
gap 2.35%
agreement 2.08%
tie 2.00%
negotiation 2.00%
cooperation 1.96%
link + p. >>共 55
between 49.12%
with 35.33%
in 5.57%
for 1.78%
on 1.40%
of 1.19%
among 0.83%
through 0.54%
as 0.47%
at 0.45%
每页显示:    共 3241