1.   Kohl hopes that the council will become a way to revive these links at a time when Europe is very much looking inwards.

2.   Some of the nomes found Dorcas painstakingly levering it along across the quarry floor, one link at a time.

3.   American environmentalists have been urging President Clinton to speak out on forging trade and environmental links at WTO.

4.   A link at the bottom of the page will help you find Web sites that are devoted to medical specialties.

5.   A link at the site allows you to hear the half-done song.

6.   A free demo version of the program and a tutorial can be found under the Download link at www.stagecast.com.

7.   Adobe Acrobat is required but can be downloaded through a link at the site.

8.   All of Chicago is in a dither because Michael Jordan spent most of Sunday on the links at Turnberry Isle Resort in North Miami Beach.

9.   Check out the Linux Documentation Project link at www.redhat.com.

10.   Check out the Kansas City link at www.thepuppycam.com.

n. + at >>共 1572
official 1.86%
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job 0.63%
worker 0.61%
year 0.56%
professor 0.56%
link 0%
link + p. >>共 55
between 49.12%
with 35.33%
in 5.57%
for 1.78%
on 1.40%
of 1.19%
among 0.83%
through 0.54%
as 0.47%
at 0.45%
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