101.   Actually, my sound quality at home is probably better than in theaters.

102.   Add to these the fact that companies are passing through a period of unusually disruptive change, in which different qualities may be needed to manage a business.

103.   Against this are useful qualities that include political skills and administrative experience.

104.   Air quality is one example.

105.   Air quality was dusty, but clear enough to see for miles.

106.   Again this year, we will bring in the best possible goalkeeper for this team because quality is the most important thing at that position.

107.   AirTouch claims its call quality is superior, but not all of the potential CDMA features will be incorporated in the San Diego trial.

108.   Both qualities are there in her no-frills drawings.

109.   Bruce Vladeck, head of the Health Care Financing Administration, which oversees Medicaid, said this cycle of tighter money and lowered quality was exactly what he feared.

110.   Build quality is outstanding.

n. + be >>共 1635
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
quality 0.05%
quality + v. >>共 264
be 46.86%
improve 4.62%
vary 3.17%
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suffer 2.42%
deteriorate 1.66%
remain 1.45%
have 1.38%
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