101.   There is criminal and civil law, morals, manners and philosophy, as well as instructions for the proper way to worship, dress and eat.

102.   They should do it in the proper way and not break into apartments and violate their privacy.

103.   They could tell him the proper way to deal with humans, a species that sometimes confuses him.

104.   This was a proper way of getting it done, at a fair value and something Billy would accept.

105.   To keep his job, he would need to persuade parliament to amend the constitution or to elect him in the proper way.

106.   This, I submit, is the proper way to approach postseason baseball.

107.   To that end, the experts teach the proper way to do everything from holding a fork to eating soup to dressing down on casual Friday.

108.   Two years ago, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which inspects horse slaughterhouses, even advised Americans about the proper ways to store and cook horse flesh.

109.   Udesky slurps noisily, explaining that the only proper way to eat noodles is quickly, with a healthy intake of breath.

110.   What is the proper way to drink tequila?

a. + way >>共 634
only 8.78%
same 8.61%
long 7.68%
best 7.12%
different 4.15%
new 4.09%
the 1.98%
better 1.69%
wrong 1.58%
good 1.45%
proper 0.35%
proper + n. >>共 1493
procedure 2.97%
way 2.16%
care 2.08%
place 1.70%
use 1.58%
treatment 1.52%
document 1.31%
training 1.13%
permit 1.10%
burial 1.09%
每页显示:    共 142