101.   As she tickles her two squealing grandchildren, the woman with the long gray hair forgets herself in her joy and begins speaking in her native Chamicuro tongue.

102.   At least two prisoners shouted rebelliously during the translation in what appeared to be their native tongues.

103.   But the pope sang prayers and switched languages easily to greet people from former Soviet territories in their native tongues.

104.   But the pope sang prayers and switched languages easily to greet thousands who came from former Soviet territories in their native tongues.

105.   Colombian Indians from a half-dozen tribes, speaking in their native tongues, gave their blessing at the start of the conference.

106.   Comaneci has become a friend and mentor to Moceanu, with whom she shares a Romanian heritage and native tongue.

107.   During World War II, Shorty was assigned to train fellow Navajos in the deeply secret code based on the Navajo native tongue.

108.   He spoke in both English and Afrikaans, the native tongue of Dutch-descended white settlers who ruled under apartheid and now find themselves a powerless minority.

109.   He was one of the famed Navajos used by the U.S. military during World War II to stump the Japanese by using their native tongue as a communications code.

110.   He will return to Portugal to teach this summer as Cantonese, the native tongue of most people here, slowly replaces Portuguese in the classrooms.

a. + tongue >>共 261
native 19.28%
sharp 8.49%
foreign 2.88%
pierced 2.30%
forked 2.16%
acid 1.58%
ancient 1.44%
red 1.44%
common 1.44%
long 1.15%
native + n. >>共 672
country 8.69%
language 7.13%
land 6.13%
plant 5.51%
tongue 3.73%
people 3.59%
son 3.51%
species 3.20%
speaker 2.84%
title 2.23%
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