1.   As America becomes increasingly fractionalized politically, linguistically and economically, mass culture may be the last common tongue we have.

2.   Belgium is a logical birthplace for a common tongue.

3.   English was already established as the common tongue among the Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, Southeast Asians and Europeans who dominate the foreign presence and the market.

4.   Fewer than one-fourth of them spoke Spanish, the most common foreign language spoken at home, and the next most common tongues were Italian and German.

5.   He spoke the common tongue.

6.   If English is not a common tongue, a second line of defense is to have an interpreter on hand, construction veterans say.

7.   Isolated from their white owners and speaking different languages, they developed a lilting common tongue blending European and African words and structures.

8.   No one disputes the importance of a common tongue.

9.   They also said at least one British soldier spoke Urdu, the Pakistani language used in the area, along with Pashto, the common Afghan tongue.

10.   Three languages -- Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian -- have been conjured up to magnify or introduce differences in what had been essentially a common tongue.

a. + tongue >>共 261
native 19.28%
sharp 8.49%
foreign 2.88%
pierced 2.30%
forked 2.16%
acid 1.58%
ancient 1.44%
red 1.44%
common 1.44%
long 1.15%
common + n. >>共 911
currency 3.44%
practice 3.14%
border 2.46%
problem 2.20%
cause 2.10%
criminal 1.77%
interest 1.72%
thread 1.54%
form 1.51%
share 1.34%
tongue 0.07%
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