101.   The fear among investors is that a chronically ill Asia will also infect the robust U.S. and European economies.

102.   The fear among investors is that the widening gap between U.S. imports and exports could drive the dollar lower, discouraging foreign investors from buying American bonds.

103.   The fear among predator states that it might work would be deterrent enough.

104.   The fears among consumer advocates and some longtime staff members have been stoked in part by the senior staff assembled by Muris.

105.   The explosion rekindled fears among Israelis that Jerusalem and other major cities could be in for another round of deadly car- and suicide-bombings.

106.   The fear among Japanese officials is that a continued slide in the yen undermines global confidence in Japanese assets, particularly stock values.

107.   The fear among officials was that the charts might aid future attacks.

108.   The great fear among those outside the front gate was that business would remain slow the rest of the week.

109.   The generalized fears among the populace have been reinforced by reports of atrocities by Front soldiers against Hutu who have returned to their villages.

110.   The fear among many students and civil rights observers is that, if the initiative in California is successful, a reaction could roll across the country.

n. + among >>共 1306
support 2.52%
concern 2.29%
competition 1.72%
debate 1.01%
casualty 0.99%
difference 0.97%
fear 0.96%
cooperation 0.94%
chief 0.92%
rate 0.81%
fear + p. >>共 60
about 28.42%
in 15.28%
for 13.26%
among 10.36%
over 6.95%
from 4.20%
by 2.78%
into 2.62%
as 1.86%
on 1.77%
每页显示:    共 326