101.   Another ethnic Albanian, Perisha Nisim, said the long closure had been an unnecessary hardship.

102.   Another ethnic Albanian man, Perisha Nisim, said the long closure had been an unnecessary hardship.

103.   And therefore we have to cast a wide net, which is what the closure is meant to do.

104.   Bankers say dozens of smaller mergers and closures are underway.

105.   But a closure is still in effect around Bethlehem and in the Jerusalem area and Palestinians are still being kept out of Israel.

106.   But closure was elusive, with court cases proliferating and recounts continuing.

107.   But Bar-Illan said the closure was not a punitive measure but rather a security one that would be eased only in accordance with recommendations of security officials.

108.   But closure was elusive, with court cases pending and recounts continuing.

109.   But the Motorola interchange closure is something else.

110.   Chairman Louis Schweitzer maintained the closure was part of a long-overdue restructuring plan necessary to turn Renault into a profitable company again.

n. + be >>共 1635
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question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
closure 0.01%
closure + v. >>共 148
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come 4.99%
keep 4.04%
cost 3.50%
prevent 3.23%
bar 2.56%
remain 2.29%
have 2.02%
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