101.   This, however, is expected to cause an increase in the price of construction materials.

102.   This increase is primarily caused by a significant change in the exchange rate of the American dollar against the rupiah.

103.   This short wave will cause an increase in showers and afternoon thunderstorms on Friday.

104.   This trough will cause an increase in cloudiness and a greater chance for rain showers than the past few days.

105.   This has resulted in an increase in our local trade winds, causing an increase in cloudiness and showers moving into the northeast Caribbean.

106.   This system has caused an increase in the cloud cover across our area.

107.   This system will cause an increase in showers and thunderstorms over our area Friday afternoon and evening.

108.   This wave will continue to move westward and will cause an increase in clouds and shower activity over our area late tonight and Sunday.

109.   This will cause an increase of trade winds across the northeast Caribbean through the weekend.

110.   Top shipping officials Monday stressed the need to improve shipping safety, claiming widespread incompetence among seamen has caused an increase in fatal accidents.

v. + increase >>共 597
see 5.70%
report 4.70%
attribute 4.48%
show 3.66%
expect 2.72%
cause 2.15%
announce 1.85%
include 1.78%
demand 1.63%
approve 1.48%
cause + n. >>共 821
damage 8.58%
problem 6.70%
injury 3.26%
death 2.52%
explosion 2.10%
casualty 2.06%
delay 1.77%
accident 1.75%
crash 1.64%
concern 1.57%
increase 0.43%
每页显示:    共 115